At the house we also met the hounds of Pam. Theo an Kaysa. The new future friends of Mango.
Kaysa, Faith and Theo
Petra found it necessary to let Faith, petra's own dog, meet the cows. She's never met any before.
After a little while, we said to Petra that there was a bull comming towards here. So she started to run.
On saturday we visited the Stafford Houndshow. We took 3 dogs with us. Faith, Kaysa and Theo. In front we new that it wasn't going to be our day, but we decided to make a lot of fun on this day.
On the show we met Rosemary Griffiths, with here beautifull Dazzleby foxhounds. She asked me to handle one of here foxhounds in the showingring. So it was my first time on a english show and also the first time to handle a foxhound.
I won Best Puppy and also Best dog, with two of Rosemary's foxhounds.
After showing the foxhounds, the showing of the Hamiltons started.
The last part of the show was the presentation of packs of Hounds. There were 5 packs present. Foxhounds, Basset Artisiens, Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, Beagles and Blue Mountain Dogs. For me the most beautiful pack was the pack of the foxhounds.
This was the end of the saturday. On sunday after a good English breakfast, we packed up and took one last look at the dam and resevoir and left for home.
Pam Thank you for the wonderful weekend. I've enjoyed it very much. Now I know Mango is also going to a great home.
Rosemary aslo Thanks to you, for the unforgetable experience of showing foxhounds. It was a pleasure to meet you.
Nice to see that Mango is going to a place with gorgeous nature when he moves to Wales./
Love and hugs from Monica, Hans and Milla
Thank you ...We LOVED having you to visit us here in Wales....theo is missing Faith!
thank you Monica,Hans, Alinda and guys know they always win on their own merits..Theo is smiling....
Monica thanks for your email..Kaysa`s muscle comes from running the six acres daily!!!until hunting in November and YES we think our gang are the best too!!!!!
Love Pam and all at meillion xx
Looking forward to deeing you all in WALESxx
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