The Judge of tody was Mrs G. Halff-van Boven.
This is a translation of the judges report.
6 Months.Beautifull represantative of the breed.
Good angulation, Head of good proportions with right stop. Good earset and carriage.
Correct teeth. Soft expression. Good topline.Good bone, legs and feet.
Good proportion of angulation in front- and backlegs. Must grow into front and ribs.
Good tailset and carriage. Good coat.
Good temperament, but very playfull.
Movent is well, but still sometimes a bit irregular.
1. Very Prommising, Best Puppy in Breed,
Best Puppy in Show !!!!!
The best in show judge was Mr. E. Wieldraaijer.
Dylan also preformed very well. He was second best baby in show at his very first show!!! So overall we had a very good day!!!!
Thank you for looking after Mister Mango so wonderfully and again CONGRATULATIONS to you all, we are very proud of you xx
Pam and all at Meillion xx
Hey Mango,
You´re doing well big boy!
Nel and the Hammies
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